Advanced Payroll Management

Start Date: 1 Jun 2025
End Date: 5 Jun 2025
Duration: 5
Country: London / UK
Category: Finance, Accounting & Investment

Course Description

Ask anyone in the organization what he or she thinks you do. The answer? "It is simple. Multiply my hours by my salary, subtract the tax and write a cheque”. If only it were that easy. When it comes to handling employee benefits, there is a lot to know. Is the benefit taxable? Non-taxable? Partially taxable? Handling payroll sounds like a simple proposition but NOT. A payroll department/ section are about providing service and control. Employees and managers across the organization ask as many questions, generate many tasks for the payroll department (especially after each payroll run), and set off many related reporting and control activities. Managing the payroll departmental process/function that is becoming increasingly complex requires a high level of expertise. This essential four-day seminar is designed to concentrate on the management of key aspects of the payroll operation, providing practical advice on major areas of risk, both in terms of compliance and in protecting the payroll itself from fraud and disaster.


Course Objective

The seminar will explain how your participants can:

·         Developing Effective Payroll Management and Administration procedures

·         Maintain the Payroll network including setting up users and mapping access to files within the Payroll department.

·         Provide direction and control regarding the input, revision and deletion of Payroll information and the processing of electronic time transaction and pay warrant distribution.

·         Prepare, maintain and develop reports to the organization

·         Plan, organize, manage and coordinate the daily operations of the Payroll department effectively.


Why Attend?

A payroll career is based around on-the-job training. This course equips payroll staff with an understanding of the reasons and methodology processes behind payroll and when those procedures may need changing.



The workshop will help participants to:

·         Avoid making errors on employees pay calculation

·         Succeed in running an efficient and accurate payroll

·         Handle an employee deduction needs to which benefits are taxable

·         Establish clear-cut guidelines for who is responsible for what is in the organization (Payroll? HR and Finance?)

·         Manage a vast array of record keeping and regulatory issues and anticipate future changes to payroll

·         Identify new areas of payroll legislation


Programme Methodology:

Calculation of gross salaries and deductable amounts is a tedious task that involves risk. Some organizations use traditional manual method of payroll processing and some have gone for the advanced payroll processing software. An organization opts for any of the following payroll processing available and based on this scenario, our facilitators would not be dealing on the software so much but will come up with a dummy payroll to assist your staff participants learn how payroll system effectiveness can be improved because each and every organization has its own payroll. Brainstorm Management Consultants Ltd would therefore assist your staff participants to develop effective Payroll Management and Administration Techniques, Procedure and control. Using a combination of lectures, group and individual exercises, your staff participants will gain both theoretical and practical knowledge of the topics covered. The emphasis will be on the practical application of the topics and as a result participants will return to their workplace with both the ability and apply the techniques learned.

Who Should attend?

 This programme is meant for those who have previously worked in payroll but want to ensure they are updated with current information, Supervisors who need an in-depth understanding of payroll processes. Participants will include : Payroll Managers, Officers, Administrators and Assistants, HR Managers and staff, Finance Managers and staffs interested in taking steps towards transforming their current practices into Payroll Administration.


Course Outline


Day 1

·         Registration, and setting the workshop objectives and goals.

·         Introduction to Payroll Management and Administration Operations. 

·         Payroll Management Preparation and Processes

·         Payroll Documentation


Day 2

·         Review of day one (1) and setting the days goals.

·         Payroll Calculation

·         Payroll Auditing

·         Dealing with Challenges of Final Payment 



Day 3

·         Review of day two (2) and setting the days goals.

·         Employee Benefits Administration strategies  

·         Payroll Distribution and Control 

·         Payroll Recording and Reporting


Day 4

·         Review of day three (3) and setting the days goals.

·         Application of Information Systems on Payroll Management and Administration  

·         Wage Calculation  

·         Monitoring, Review and Supervision of Payroll Management


 Day 5

·         Review of day1,day 2 three 3 and day 4

·         Case Studies & Workshops

·         Evaluation and Closing

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