Career Development & Succession Planning

Start Date: 8 Jun 2025
End Date: 12 Jun 2025
Duration: 5
Country: Moscow

Course Description


Businesses that don't take proactive steps to plan for future talent needs at all level using their entire diverse work force will face certain disruptions, heavy financial costs, and even disasters , when key employees retire or are lured away by competitors.

Career Development and Succession Planning ensures that there are highly competent people in all positions, not just today, but tomorrow. In the past, succession planning typically targeted only key leadership positions, but in today’s organizations it is important to include key positions in a variety of job categories.

Today’s manager cannot choose not to involve himself/herself in Career Development and Succession Planning, decisions are made and event occur. The choice is how much you intend to be a master or victim of those events. 

This program therefore concentrates on the practical aspects of the work to done by establishing a clear relationship between the work to be done and the type of people available to do it. Not only in the present but as far as possible into the future as appropriate. 

By establishing a positive framework for the above this will enable a company to clearly identify the potential talent on-hand and develop leadership qualities through coaching and mentoring interventions.

Course Objective


Objectives and benefits of this workshop are to enable participants to:

·         Identify core technical and behavioral competencies essential to organizational performance.

·         Identify competencies and clarify values for planning and managing a succession process.

·         Develop systems to plan for and quickly fill crucial vacancies at all levels.

·         Calculate the cost of poor succession management and its organizational impact.

·         Develop strategic executive and management coaching and mentoring competencies.

·         Apply methods to develop and retain top talent that builds and preserves your organization's intellectual capital.

·         Assess current and future resources for seamless succession planning.

·         Identify personal strengths and compensate on perceived weaknesses.

·         Identify career progression stages and how to transition between them.

·         Develop planning and control techniques.

·         Identify your personal style at work.

Who Should attend?


Those involved in designing, setting up or controlling career development systems; also, line managers who are involved in, or accountable for, the career development of their staff

Course Outline


 Introduction to Career Development and Succession Planning

·    The value in understanding the fundamentals of succession planning

·    The advantages of succession planning

·    Need of Career Development Planning 


 Enhance Your Organizational Vision

·    Devise and implement an effective succession plan to get the right people in the right position

·    Use a Logic Model approach to clarify mission, goals and strategies


Strategic Human Resource Development – The Big Picture

·    Human Resource Planning

·    Supply & Demand Forecasting

·    Human Resource Planning & Flexibility

·    Aims of Human Resource Planning

·    Linking Business Strategy to HRP

·    Trends and Forces for People Planning

·    Manpower Forecasts

·    Analysing Manpower Supply & Wastage


 Competency Mapping Systems

·    The Functional Organisation

·    Management Competencies

·    Organizational Profile

·    The A.M.A. Model

·    Competencies and Outputs

·    Performance Dimensions

·    Building a Competency System

·    Competency Portfolios

·    Functional Disciplines

·    Core and Non-Core Competencies

·    Generic Competencies

·    Levels of Competency

·    Career Development Teams

·    Personal Development Portfolio

·    Management Development Cycle

·    Leadership Competencies

·    Management Competency Matrix


Career Development in Organisations

·    Interface between C.D. and H.R.P.

·    Career Planning

·    Organisational Career Development

·    Career Anchors

·    Career Progression Charts

·    Promotion Matrix

·    Career Development Planning Model

·    Career Development Spectrum

·    Planning Process

·    Career Development Teams

·    Training Policy

·    Manager’s Role

·    Selection Process

·    Career Development Portfolio


Succession Planning and Trend Analysis

·    Succession Planning – A General Framework

·    Career Succession Diagrams

·    Age/Competency Distributions

·    Camel Curves

·    Replacement and Succession Plans

·    Organization and Succession Charts

·    High Potential Analysis

·    Evolution of Human Resource Management

·    Forces Affecting Human Resource Management

·    Strategic Partners

·    Four Steps to Strategic Planning

·    Career Management Support Systems

·    Planning and Development System


 Identifying Leadership and Talent

·    The Leadership Challenge

·    Leadership vs. Management

·    Power and Influence Approach

·    Behaviour Approach

·    Situational Approach

·    Improving Leadership

·    Why Leaders Can’t Lead

·    The Leadership Advantage

·    Coaching and Mentoring Potential Talent

·    Career Anchors


Project Formulation – Delivering The Plan.

This workshop will finish with on how to develop a comprehensive Career and Succession Plan for the organisation dependent upon the changing business needs.

It will include:

-    Evolution of Human Resource Management

-    Forces Affecting HRM

-    Strategic Partners

-    Four Steps to Strategic Planning

-    Career Management Support Systems

-    Planning and Development Systems

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